Welcome To Nick-James.com

Here you’ll find a stack of great information for anyone looking to start and run a profitable home-based business selling Information Products. Created by someone that’s made their full-time living online since 2001. Whether you are looking to Create Products, Produce Orders, Build Your List, Generate Traffic, Grow Your Income, Create Content or even to Work Less Hours, we have got you covered.

Step 1 – Request Your Copy Of This Best Selling Book

Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing
By Nick James, Serious About Six Figures™ Founder
The best place to get started with your own profitable information publishing business is to request YOUR COPY of “Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing.”

Claim Your Free Copy Of This Book
*Just $9.95  +S&H

Get this book shipped to you by priority mail today – no matter where you live in the World.


  • The Four Strategies you can use to create a $100K per year online business.
  • The Zero-Cost Marketing Method they never teach at ‘business school’ but could easily be how 80% of your customers find your products.
  • The Walt Disney Principle that built a multi-billion dollar corporation and the effect it could have on your own entrepreneurial success.

And more!

Click Here To Request your copy of “Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing”

Step 2 – Read Our Most Popular Articles

Below is a hand-picked collection of our most popular articles. Please use the social media buttons to share them with anyone you may think would benefit reading them.

Produce Orders

Build Your List
Nick James Holding Direct Mail Envelopes
Five Reasons To Use This Old School Marketing Method.

As technology evolves and makes things a lot easier for more people… it also makes things a lot more confusing and complicated. A prime example of this is online advertising. Online advertising has opened the floodgates and given virtually anyone the opportunity to run advertising campaigns online sending people to web pages and sales pages. […]

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Build Your List

Build Your List
Nick James Holding Direct Mail Envelopes
Five Reasons To Use This Old School Marketing Method.

As technology evolves and makes things a lot easier for more people… it also makes things a lot more confusing and complicated. A prime example of this is online advertising. Online advertising has opened the floodgates and given virtually anyone the opportunity to run advertising campaigns online sending people to web pages and sales pages. […]

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Generate Traffic

Generate Traffic
Email War
The Great Inbox War: Battle For Email Supremacy

I love email marketing, it has made me many millions over the recent years, so what I am about to say may come as a bit of a surprise to you. Email marketing is wonderful… but when someone unsubscribes from your email list or requests to stop receiving emails from you… you have no way […]

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Grow Your Income

Grow Your Income
Don't Be 'this guy' ... There's always Pride Before a Fall...
Pride Comes Before A Fall

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing someone who has enjoyed success and is on the brink of enjoying more, suddenly, without warning, throw the towel in because they were having a bit of an off-day. Off-days happen to the best of us. I get it… you wake up one morning and things look a little […]

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Create Content

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Work Less Hours

Work Less Hours
What's Your Definition Of Success?
What Is Your Definition Of Success?

What does the word success actually mean? A quick search online gave this explanation: “Success is the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals. The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. A performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors: The […]

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Step 3. Claim Your Free Book…

Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing
By Nick James, Serious About Six Figures™ Founder
The best place to get started with your own profitable information publishing business is to request your FREE COPY of “Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing.”

Claim Your Free Copy Of This Book
*Just pay a small contribution towards S&H

Get this book shipped to you by priority mail today – no matter where you live in the World.


  • The Four Strategies you can use to create a $100K per year online business.
  • The Zero-Cost Marketing Method they never teach at ‘business school’ but could easily be how 80% of your customers find your products.
  • The Walt Disney Principle that built a multi-billion dollar corporation and the effect it could have on your own entrepreneurial success.

And more!

Click Here To Request your free copy of “Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing”

Nick James is the author of Six Figures A Year In Info Publishing and founder of the ‘Serious About Six Figures‘ training course that gives you simple action steps to complete every week in order to generate a six figure a year income from selling simple information products online.

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